NGIG Institute

All Courses

All Courses

Master software proficiency, keep skills up-to-date and stay current

Upskill Latest Tech Trends

View the latest information about the training portfolio, including upcoming course schedules, digital learning options, SAP Certification and more.

Deepen your SAP knowledge with scheduled live instructor-led certification courses guided by experienced trainers.

Work smarter, not harder! Explore Robotic Process Automation and free yourself from tedious manual processes. 

Build and maintain your SAP software skills with online training content, collaborative features, system access, and expert-guided live sessions. Learn SAP anywhere, anytime. 

Get Certified

SAP Certification

Master software proficiency, keep skills up-to-date and stay current with interactive, user-friendly online certifications. Validate your skills from beginner to intermediate and advanced levels and become a trusted SAP expert.

Tailored for Your Company

SAP Customized Training

Organize specific SAP training and course content for your team. You pick the schedule, location, participant list, and even the desired instructor presentation topics. It’s SAP training focused on your team’s needs.

Up-to-date Tech Trends

Free Learning Webinar

Whether you’re an expert or just getting started, you can register for the webinar that appeal most to your individual learning goals. All webinar are prepared and brought to you by SAP experts.

Best Industry Leaders

Led by experienced instructors, our program offers hands-on learning, empowering participants with skills for success.

Flexible Learning Mode

Study and get hands-on training at a training center or at your own pace, anywhere, anytime, shaping successful learning results.

SAP Global Certification

Validate your skills and become a trusted SAP Certified expert. Differentiate yourself in a crowded market.

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